Outgoing mail server for your email account
How many times have you tried to setup your email account, but don’t have a clue to what the outgoing mail server is?
SMTP settings are simply your outgoing mail server settings; this particular protocol only works for outgoing messages. Most email software is designed to use SMTP for communication purposes when sending email.
POP3 and IMAP are two other protocols which are the incoming settings used for retrieving and storing email with mail software. These settings are required to properly set up any mail client so that it may convey data to your host’s mail server.
Let us help you with a list of the most common South African outgoing mail servers.
Below the list of all South African outgoing mail servers for local ISP’s (Internet Service Providers)
- For Telkom ADSL, outgoing server is smtp.dsl.telkomsa.net or smtp.saix.net
- For Telkom Analogue Dial Up, use smtp.saix.net or smtp.dsl.telkomsa.net
- For 8TA (Eita), the outgoing server is smtp.saix.net
- For MWEB ADSL, outgoing server is smtp.mweb.co.za or smtp.mweb.net
- For Vodacom 3G, outgoing server is smtp.vodamail.co.za or smtp.vodacom.co.za
- For MTN 3G, the outgoing server is mail.mtn.co.za
- For Cell C the outgoing server is mail.cmobile.co.za
- For Iburst, outgoing server is smtp.iburst.co.za
- For I.S. ADSL the outgoing server is smtp.isdsl.net
- For I.S. 3G the outgoing server is smtp.isgsm.netor smtp.dial-up.net
- For goggaconnect outgoing server is smtp.vodamail.co.za or smtp.vodacom.co.za
- For Neotel, outgoing server is smtp.neomail.co.za
- For ABSA, outgoing server is smtp.absamail.co.za or mail.absa.co.za
- For @lantic (ADSL,Dialup, ISDN) : smtp.lantic.net
- For Nexus ADSL : smtp.isdsl.net
- For NetActive (ADSL,Dialup, ISDN) : smtp.netactive.co.za
- For Polka (ADSL,Dialup, ISDN) : smtp.polka.co.za
- For Web Africa (ADSL,Dialup, ISDN) : smtp.wa.co.za
- For Afrihost (ADSL,Dialup, ISDN) use smtp.afrihost.co.za
- For Vox : smtp.lantic.net
- For Cybersmart : smtpauth2.cybersmart.co.za or smtp.cybersmart.co.za
- For Nokia/OVI : smtp.mail.ovi.com or smtp.mail.yahoo.com
- For NexusNet the outgoing mail server is smtp2.macrolan.co.za
If you have your own domain name it most probably will be the following mail.yourdomainname.co.za but your hosting company will supply you with details to setup your email account in a jiffy!
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